We're going on an adventure! A Review of LIGHTNING OF HER OWN (Available March 25th!)

When the aliens landed seventy-two years ago,
the first thing they did was turn off the power.

Then they ran for the hills.

The aliens themselves killed very few people, but riots, looting, disease, natural disasters and the sheer brutality of a harsh life that no one had lived in generations have reduced the population of Earth to a few tiny handfuls, scattered among the abandoned ruins of a lost civilization. Now word has come to Amarylla’s father, the chief civil engineer of the Federal Republic of New York, that an unknown man in the far northern plains may hold the key to turning the lights back on.

But the Amarylla who sets out with her father to find this mysterious man is a young girl whose life has been filled with operas and riding lessons and needlework, a young girl schooled only in the history of fashion and the proper navigation of knives and forks at a state diner. A young girl totally unprepared for the raw edges of life beyond the walls, totally unprepared for the closeness of a young guard named Marlowe.

Can she become what she needs to be? Can she learn what she needs to know? Can she grow up in time, or will this alien dystopia kill her?


Enthralling! The journey of a lifetime! Grab your baby gun, we’re going on an adventure!

Once you pick up Levi Montgomery’s LIGHTNING OF HER OWN, you will become mesmerized with Amarylla’s story. Set in a post-apocalyptic, alien dystopia, this is a story of growing up, a story of survival, a story of love.

You will be awestruck by Montgomery’s amazing world creating ability, and his story will leave you completely breathless! It is truly an adventure of a lifetime that is guaranteed to steal your heart.

I’d have to say that my favorite element of this book is its characters. They are so real, so vivid; you will be fully engulfed in their world from the very first page. Never before have I read a book whose main character touched me so much; who inspired me to be a stronger person. Amarylla, a young sixteen year old girl, heading out into a world of death and despair with bags packed full with lace things and teddy bears. For someone so young and sheltered to realize who and what she needed to become to accomplish her mission. That is true survival, true courage.

If you’re looking for a book that will keep you on your toes, this is it. On more than one occasion, I forgot to breathe. That’s the type of book this is, one that keeps you guessing, never knowing what’s around the next bend. I dare you to try to look at a splinter the same way again! If you are anything like me, by the time you reach the end, you will have laughed with, cried with, and fallen in love with these amazing characters. I never wanted the story to end. This is a definite must read for anyone looking for a good book. I’m sure the adventure it will take you on won’t disappoint!

This amazing book will hit the digital shelves Friday, March 25th! This is not one to be missed!

Ah, and the new keeps rolling in...

Well, it seems the blog layout has changed once again. I'd love to say it'll be staying like this, but you never know what random glitches will arise, as per what happened last time. Sometimes I hate technology. *Kicks comment boxes* I do have to say, I'm truly hoping that there aren't any funky glitches this time because I LOVE this layout, hehe.

Anyways, a lot of new things going on here. Until Dawn: Last Light is going to be released soon, which is extremely exciting for me. I've been waiting for this day for a long time. If you'd like to know how excited I am, picture me jumping up and down repetitively, squealing like a five year old that was just told they're getting a pony. Yep. That excited. For those that have seen some released dates on twitter for March 15th, that date has been pushed back slightly. Apparently the Cold from Hell decided that it wanted to reside in my body for a few weeks and put me on bed rest.

So, here I am, trying to catch up on, well, life! This blog is kind of a test to make sure the new layout works. Later tonight I'll be posting my review of Levi Montgomery's LIGHTNING OF HER OWN, which is also to be released in the next couple weeks. Highly recommended buy!

Well, on to my last dose of medicine! Love and hugs to you all!

Tis the Season


No, really, who screwed with my calendar. I could have sworn it was still September. Did I miss Halloween? Hope someone saved me some candy!

Anyway, happy Halloween, Thanksgiving, Winter! Christma-

Whoops, getting ahead of myself! This is actually my favorite time of year. The air smells crisp and makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. The crackling sound of a fire and an excuse to have hot chocolate (with marshmallows, of course) every night. It's all just, perfect.

In light of this beautiful season, I think my blog has finally found it's niche. Well, I don't know if it has anything to do with the holiday season, but whatever. I'm going to start doing book reviews. Now that my editing is done and the queries are sent and I have no more nails to chew, I've got nothing but time...Er, kind of.

So, please feel free to suggest books to me for review. I'll probably start with at least one book a week. I plan to get to 4-5 a week after a while. All genres are welcome (for the most part). I think I might pull some book titles from Bethanne Patrick's (TheBookMaven) Friday Reads! Such a great idea, encouraging reading!

This blog post as been brought to you from the pen of Jen.
Enjoy your holiday season!

And it begins...

There's a first time for everything, or at least so they say.

Blogging. Hm. A first for me indeed.

Well, here we go.

We are well into week two of NaNoWriMo, for those of you that live in a box and don't know what that is, it's the National Novel Writing Month. The mission: to write 50,000 words in 30 days. Sheer madness, and yet here we are at nearly 200,000 participants and over a billion words.

This is my second year participating in NaNo and I refuse to fail, even if I'm horribly behind on my word count. And before you get on me about it, I've got a reason. I'm hard at work finishing the final edit of Until Dawn. That has priority for me.

Does this mean that I don't plan to finish NaNo? Aw, hell nah! I just won't reach my personal goal of 65,000 words. My personal editing deadline is November 18th, so that I can submit queries before the agent's email counts go through the roof with NaNo submissions. A side note. When you write 50,000 words in 30 days, it's almost ALWAYS not ready for submitting. Work on your manuscript and give it the editing time it deserves so agents don't laugh in your face. I'm sure they're all cringing as we approach the first of December.

Anyways, if my edit is finished by the 18th, it'll give me 13 days to write 3,000 words a day and still hit the 50,000 word goal. Ta da. It's still possible for me. I don't like losing, especially when it comes to writing. Like I always tell people, we writers, we're a stubborn people.

For those of you participating in NaNo and feel like your word counts are falling behind, fear not, it happens to all of us. Don't feel bad when one of you buddies is 10,000 words ahead of you. It's your story, it'll be told in its own time.

This message has been brought to you from the pen of Jen,
Good luck and goodnight!